Vet uses cancer treatment to relieve joint problems in dogs


A leading vet has started prescribing a long-established cancer treatment to transform the mobility of dogs suffering from joint problems.

Richard Allport, a vet for more than 40 years with practices in Potters Bar and Bayswater, discovered that CV247, a cancer treatment invented in the mid-1990s, has a dramatic effect as an anti-inflammatory.

Richard said: “CV247 is mostly used as a treatment for cancer in dogs – but its composition of primarily natural constituents I’ve found has a clear and positive effect on dogs suffering from joint mobility issues.”

“I prescribe it as a treatment for cancer and related issues, and I noticed that around 80% of the dogs prescribed CV247 quickly became far brighter and perkier in their demeanour.

“When I looked into it, it became apparent that the majority of the constituents of the treatment contributed towards an anti-inflammatory effect – a bit of an old-fashioned ‘tonic’. This often gave dogs more mobile joints, which made them feel better in themselves.”

Richard added: “This appeared to be a hugely positive contributor to a dog reacting positively to treatment for cancer and related issues. Dogs don’t analyse how they feel: but they feel better before they get better. Dogs react to the way they feel at that moment.

“Traditional drugs and treatments are very effective for the right patient at the right moment, but I would urge pet owners to try natural medicine whenever possible – they’d be pleasantly surprised by the results, and will instantly recognise the absence of drug-related discomfort, particularly in older and more sensitive or vulnerable pets.”

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