The Dog Treat Company: Delicious & Ethically Sourced Dog Treats

Sponsored Content (SP) by The Dog Treat Company


It’s always niggled us that the phrase ‘pet treat’ is frequently deployed as a ‘time out’ from sensible thinking. You don’t have to peer too hard at some treat labels to discover that they can be riddled with synthetic colours, ‘artificial nasties’ and flavour enhancing sugar & salt which combine to create a ticking time bomb of pet misery and escalating veterinary bills.

Treats needn’t turn their backs on nutritional balance and ethically-sourced human-grade ingredients, which is why we at The Dog Treat Company insist on only mixing free-range eggs and chicken liver with our GMO-free herbs and spices to create recipes that are deliberately low in fat yet brimming with beneficial vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

This month we’d like to focus on three of our top-selling lines ‘Run Free,’ Joie De Vivre & ‘Take My Breath Away.’

Run Free: Just the right amount of pumpkin seeds, Devil’s claw and eggshell is included so your pet enjoys the benefit of strong bones and supple, well-oiled joints.


Joie De Vivre: Making the best of every moment means a finely-tuned immune system, which is why this particular recipe leans upon the highly prized ‘inner oomph’ associated with beetroot, echinacea and rooibos.



Take My Breath Away: In this recipe the priority is to smother canine halitosis, which is why a liberal dash of parsley and coconut oil (nature’s breath fresheners) sits at the heart of this recipe.


In short, The Dog Treat Company believes firmly in the notion that Nature Always Knows Best!

For more information and to buy, please visit:

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