It’s A Dog’s Day At Work Today


Today – Friday, June 26 – scores of businesses are celebrating Bring Your Dog To Work Day, where pooches across the land have been allowed to accompany their owners to work, if they don’t already.

Dogs are helping all kinds of businesses with their daily operations – including private jet firms, national electricity distributors, car dealerships and entertainment companies.

It’s resulted in some interesting job roles for our four legged friends. For example, Labradoodle Tex is set to help PrivateFly test a range of pet facilities at private jet airports, while Labrador Ollie will assist Scottish and Southern Electric Power Distribution employees identify network issues.  

The event was set up last year to raise awareness of the benefits of having dogs in safe working environments. It also hopes to raise money for All Dogs Matter, a charity that rehomes hundreds of rescues every year in London and Norfolk. Just a small donation of £5 could be used to microchip a dog, while £10 is enough to buy new bedding.

Here are five ways having a workplace pet can be good news: 

Increased trust and collaboration
Aside from being man’s best friend, it turns out that dogs can be mediators, bridge builders, and productivity coaches, too! 

Employees are more trusting and collaborative with one another when a dog is present during group meetings, according to a study by Central Michigan University.

Improved Attendance 
It’s not scientifically proven, but many employees themselves believe that allowing pets in the workplace helps reduce absenteeism.

Enhanced wellbeing 
The benefits of a “walking meeting,” where people conduct their regular or impromptu meetings while taking a stroll, have been touted since the days of Aristotle. Walking meetings can help creativity, collaboration, teamwork and also boost employee morale. 

Reduced stress
According to a Virginia Commonwealth University study, pets at work help lower cortisol levels and raise productivity, something which all workplaces can benefit from. 

So, the experts say it’s good for you and your dog thinks it’s a great idea too. Now you just have to persuade the boss!

For further information, please visit Bring Your Dog To Work Day’s official website, or email

Photo: Labradoodle Tex is set to help PrivateFly test the pet facilities at private jet airports. (Credit: PrivateFly)

Does your office or workplace have an office pet? If so, get in touch with your stories and photos by emailing the editor at

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